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第一次接触开云足球app下载官网最新版 的时候是拜访一位长者,哪时候喝了一款口味独特的普洱老茶,从此就记住了开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,后来,因寻它而慢慢地熟悉了它的味道,发现开云足球app下载官网最新版 有着其他茶没有的独特魅力,甘、滑、醇、厚、顺、柔、舔、洁、透、亮、稠。开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,有一种意想不到的温存,特别是后来一位朋友送我的陈皮普洱砖,陈皮和普洱的气味、口感彼此融合,配成一款滋味醇厚的陈皮开云足球app下载官网最新版 ,喝下后回味无穷。  

When I first came into contact with Pu'er tea, I visited an elder. When I drank an old Pu'er tea with unique taste, I remembered Pu'er tea. Later, I gradually became familiar with its taste because of searching for it. I found that Pu'er tea had a unique charm that other teas did not have. It was sweet, smooth, mellow, smooth, soft, licking, clean, transparent, bright and thick. Pu'er tea has an unexpected warmth, especially when a friend sent me Chen Pi Pu'er bricks. The smell and taste of Chen Pi and Pu'er blend with each other to make a full-bodied Chen Pi Pu'er tea, which has endless aftertaste after drinking.


休闲时泡一杯普洱,第一泡的时候味道还稍有些冲,两三泡过后便传出浓浓的香,到了最后,喝起来口中满是甘甜醇厚。的确,人的一生就像喝一杯开云足球app下载官网最新版 一样,是从青涩懵懂到成熟坦然的过程。其间可能一路坦途也可能磕磕绊绊,这一切就看你如何运筹帷幄中了。遇到精细好茶,就以赏悦之心小口小口地喝,享受茶汤给舌喉带来的温润香醇,让其慢慢沁腑。碰到粗茶也无妨,淡然大口地喝它,尝其苦涩浓酽,也算人生中多出一味。更重要的是,你从这一泡茶中喝到什么,自己要了然于心。

A cup of Pu'er is soaked in idle time. The first one tastes slightly rushed. After two or three soaks, a strong fragrance comes out. At last, it tastes sweet and mellow. Indeed, one's life is like drinking a cup of Pu'er tea, which is a process from obscurity to maturity and calmness. In the meantime, the road may be smooth or stumble, depending on how you plan it. When meeting fine and good tea, we will drink it in small mouthfuls with a pleasant heart and enjoy the warm fragrance and mellow taste of the tea soup to the tongue and throat, so that it slowly refreshes the internal organs. It's okay to drink crude tea indifferently, taste its bitterness and astringency. It's also a taste of life. More importantly, you need to know what you drink from this tea.


What is it that you drink when you drink tea? Now I finally understand that it is the mood. When you have money, you can chase the best old tea of famous tea, and when you have no money, you can enjoy ordinary popular tea. Rich people may not be able to drink the pleasant drink when they have no money, and they may not be able to drink the elegant drink when they have no money. Therefore, the feeling of drinking tea depends entirely on oneself and one's own mood. Happiness in misery is also a comfort.


With this idea, no matter what kind of tea you drink, you can have another feeling, and you can also taste the subtle taste. Fuyun's life is full of mixed flavors, which are transformed into rich and weak bitter fragrance in the five flavors of tea, fading out a refreshing fragrance and enriching a feeling.
